Whistler’s Great Outdoors Festival 2015

It’s GO FEST time in Whistler Resort.


The Great Outdoors Festival returns this Victoria Day‬ long weekend with even more on the ‪‎GO‬!

gofest whistlerCome out and play May 15-18, 2015 at GO Fest, Whistler’s Great Outdoors Festival!  With four days of events and activities celebrating outdoor recreation – the challenge starts with deciding what to do first.

GO Fest merges the interests of the outdoor festival enthusiast with those of the traditional and competitive sports crowd for four days of racing, learning new skills, celebration and culture designed to draw nature lovers to the mountains.

Find out how much you can squeeze in – here’s the GO Fest Event Schedule.

gofest free concerts whistlerFree Outdoor Whistler Concert anyone? Check out the line up here.

Discover the origins of Whistler GO Festival in the Video from 1988 Great Snow Earth and Water Race. Too much time on their hands!

Follow the fun and activities at GO Fest Whistler and add your own pics and thoughts on their Facebook and Twitter pages.


Great private Whistler rentals for the GO Festival 2015. Scam-free home rental deals in Whistler.

Whistler Vacation Rentals by Owner for GO FEST


April 18, 2015


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